Venous Disease

Blood vessels of the body are divided into arteries that carry oxygenated blood to the body and veins that carried deoxygenated blood packed the heart.

In normal veins, there are one-way valve that direct blood towards the heart and prevents the blood from going back to the extremity.

In people with venous disease these one-way valves do not function well and the leak. this leakage is called reflux which can cause significant symptoms and complications.

Venous disease including reflux can easily be detected using a simple ultrasound examination that can be done in the office

There are 3 types of veins in the legs

Superficial veins: visible veins underneath the skin

  • Varicose veine
  • Reticular veins

Spider veins: these veins can enlarge and become painful or bleed.

Deep veins: veins within the muscles of the leg that are not visible. they are much larger and carry the blood back to the heart.

Perforator veins: veins that connect the superficial and the deep veins

Symptoms of vein disease varicose veins

Symptoms are very common in people. Some people may not have any symptoms, however common symptoms include

  • Pain
  • Aching
  • Throbbing
  • Cramping
  • Itching
  • Charley horses swelling
  • Heaviness
  • Rest left leg syndrome,
  • Pins and pins and needles

The symptoms usually get worse as the day progresses or if the patient is standing or sitting for prolonged period of time. As venous disease worsens, it can cause inflammation, skin changes eczema, ulcerations or bleeding. It can also cause pooling of the blood in the lower leg causing damage skin, darkened skin ,phlebitis or blood clots that may travel to the heart and lungs causing deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

Diagnosis of venous disease ultrasound exam is done by a noninvasive exam that is done in the office. This test uses sound waves to evaluate the venous structures of the leg. During this exam blood clots can be evaluated the anatomy and the physiology of the vein can also be evaluated. If there is any reflux from the leaky valve, can also be identified

Risk factor for vein disease

Many people do not have any risk factors however family history is important in developing vein problems if one parent has vein disease there is a 33% chance that there offspring will have vein disease as well as both parents of vein disease there is an 90% chance of having vein disease in the offspring other risk factors include hormonal factors.

Women with high levels of hormone such as progesterone have a higher chance of developing venous disease, pregnancies, hormone replacement and use of female oral contraceptives also increase the chance of having venous disease.

In general 75% of patients with vein disease are female and 25% are male.

In addition to hormonal and genetic factors, other causes of venous disease include

  • Obesity
  • Prolonged standing
  • Prolonged sitting with her legs crossed
  • Wearing tight close
  • Advanced age.
  • Injury or trauma to the veins

Any condition that increases the pressure on the veins such as liver disease and ascites, history of groin surgery, heart failure or kidney failure

Frequently asked questions about pain disease

What happens if the vein disease is not treated?

In general vein disease only gets worse. with time if not treated, this can cause enlargement of the varicosities that can lead to inflammation, swelling or bleeding.. The treatment only becomes more difficult as these symptoms develop

How can vein problems be diagnosed?

This can be done with a simple ultrasound examination which is a noninvasive test that can be done in our office.

Can leg swelling also be caused by a vein disorder?

leg swelling can be caused by compression of the veins in the pelvic area. this can be diagnosed with an ultrasound and a venogram and treated with a balloon angioplasty and stent

Our vein procedures covered by insurance

Most vein procedures are covered by insurance sees these are medically necessary procedures if there is any cosmetic procedures they’re usually not covered by insurance

Spider veins and reticular veins

Spider veins and reticular veins are small varicose veins underneath the skin that over time can become larger and cause a cosmetic concern

Spider veins aren’t a small red blue or purple veins within the layers of the skin these veins in general do not protrude above the skin surface spider veins can also be called telangiectatic veins.

Reticular veins are in general slightly larger and blue in color

Varicose veins artery larger distended veins that are located under the skin and they can protrude above the surface of the skin

Sclerotherapy for spider veins

Sclerotherapy is a well-established treatment during this procedure . Sclerosing agent is injected into the spider vein or reticular veins and small varicose veins a tiny needle is inserted into the vein and the sclerosing agent is gently injected into the vein causing collapse of the vein and making the bluish reddish color disappear

Patients may require more than one treatment depending on the number and the type of the veins are treated. subsequently the patient wears a support stocking for several days to assist the healing process. there may be some bruising or pigmentation which usually resolves in 1-2 weeks

At Encino vascular Institute, we offer all diagnostic tests including ultrasounds and various therapies for varicose veins, reticular veins and spider veins. These include noninvasive treatments such as endovascular ablation of the saphenous vein by laser, EVLT and radiofrequency, EVRF techniques. We also provide sclerotherapy for spider and reticular veins in addition to micro-phlebectomy for varicose veins.

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