Written June 14, 2022Encino Vascular Institute
Thousand Oaks CA Vascular Surgeon

Spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels that originate from the capillaries. They are found close to the surface of the skin and appear as red, blue, or purple lines. These veins are most common on the legs and thighs, but can also occur on the face and other areas of the body.

While they are usually not harmful, spider veins can cause discomfort and be unsightly. Fortunately there are a variety of treatments provided by vascular surgeons in Thousand Oaks, CA as well as non-invasive changes.

Development of Spider Veins

There are a number of factors that can contribute to the development of spider veins, including pregnancy, hormone imbalances, and prolonged standing or sitting. Additionally, those who have a habit of wearing tight clothes, smoking, or taking sun baths may also develop this condition.

Risk Factors of Spider Veins

Some of the factors that may increase the risks of developing spider are as follows:

  • Family history of blood clots or venous insufficiency
  • Pregnancy
  • Constipation
  • Obesity
  • Wearing a girdle
  • Hormonal changes during puberty, hormone replacement therapy, or menopause
  • Use of oral birth control pills
  • Sun exposure

Who is at Greater Risk?

Make sure you keep the above factors in mind and if you see any symptoms of spider veins, don’t hesitate to consult with a doctor. According to the Center for Vein Restoration, here’s a study that shows who are at a greater risk of developing this condition:

  • Nearly 50% of women in the US between 40 and 50 may have spider veins
  • Almost 75% of women between 60 and 70 are more likely to develop this condition
  • Approximately 25% of men who are between 30 and 40 may develop spider veins
  • Nearly 50% of men who are above 70 have a chance of developing this condition

This study indicates that women are more vulnerable to spider veins than men.

Symptoms of Spider Veins

Some of the visual symptoms of spider veins include tiny veins that look like the branches of a tree or the webs of a spider. They are usually blue, purple, or red in color. On the other hand, the non-visual symptoms of spider veins are aching, cramping, or throbbing of the legs, an uncomfortable feeling, and itching around the veins.

Treatment for spider veins

There are three ways to treat spider veins:

1. Lifestyle changes

You may need to stop smoking or consuming alcohol if you want your spider veins to go away.

2. Visual sclerotherapy

Visual sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution into the vein, which causes the vein to collapse and eventually fade away. There is usually no need for anesthesia or pain medication, and there are no side effects. It is an effective treatment for spider veins and small varicose veins.

3. Foam sclerotherapy

Foam Sclerotherapy is a minimally-invasive procedure where the doctor makes a tiny incision and injects a solution into the affected vein. This causes the spider veins to slowly collapse.

Spider veins can be unsightly and often cause people to feel self-conscious. If you are unhappy with your spider veins, there are treatments available that can help. Consult with a doctor or vascular surgeon in Thousand Oaks, CA about the best treatment for your individual case. There are many options available, so don’t let spider veins keep you from feeling confident in your appearance.

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