Written January 1, 2022Encino Vascular Institute
Sherman Oaks Vascular Surgeon

According to the American Heart Association, around 23% of all adults across the USA have varicose (or spider) veins. When we add in conditions such as reticular veins and telangiectasis, that number skyrockets to an astonishing 85% of adult women and 80% of adult men.

If you are among the millions suffering from vein conditions, you likely have a lot of questions for your vein doctor. Or perhaps you don’t know what you ‘should’ ask in the first place.

In this guide, we cover the most important questions to ask your local vascular surgeon in Sherman Oaks, CA so you can get the help you need and improve the quality of your life.

Do I need to See a Vein Doctor?

This is a question you have to ask yourself, but also one that you should ask your primary care physician. After all, depending on your insurance you may need a medical referral anyway.

Although only a medical professional can diagnose a vein condition, if you experience any of the following symptoms it may be time to make an appointment at your neighborhood vein clinic:

  • Regular aching 
  • Itchy skin
  • Sore, inflamed or irritated skin
  • Frequent muscle cramps
  • Heaviness in limbs
  • Swollen limbs 
  • A throbbing sensation
  • Fatigue 
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Discoloration of skin
  • Blur or purple tinge under the skin

If any of these symptoms sound familiar or are new to you, it might be time to visit a vein doctor for further evaluation.

What Are Varicose Veins?

Among the most common vein conditions treated by our local Encino, CA vein doctors are varicose veins. Although you can certainly research online, hearing an explanation directly from your doctor can help clarify a lot of questions you may have.

Here are a few Questions Worth Asking:

  • What causes varicose veins?
  • Do they cause any symptoms?
  • What tests are there to determine if I have varicose veins?

Do My Varicose Veins Need to Be Treated?

This is a big one. For some people, symptoms may be mild or not present at all. For others, the mere sight of them makes them self-conscious about their appearance, impacting their quality of life.

Whether or not they need to be treated is an excellent topic to discuss with your vein doctor, including what might happen if you don’t treat them, such as disease progression or potential complications.

What Types of Varicose Veins Procedures do You Perform?

Life is all about options, and its important to discuss yours with your doctor. The biggest of these is what types of treatment plans and procedures they offer.

Make sure to discuss what each procedure involves, the process, how to prepare, risks involved, recovery time, and expected outcomes.

Typical Procedures Your Doctor May Suggest Include:

  • Heat ablation or laser ablation
  • Vein stripping 
  • Sclerotherapy 

Each option will have its own pros and cons, and one type of treatment may be better suited to your unique situation and goals.

Ready to Make an Appointment?

Do you live in or around the greater Encino, CA area and have concerns about varicose or other vein conditions or recovery? Reach out to our team and schedule a consultation to find out how we can help.